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Kılcanlar Höyük

Number: 32
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The settlement is located north of Lake Marmara (Gygaean Lake), about 250 m west of the village Kılcanlar. According to Christopher H. Roosevelt, the settlement is 325 x 175 meters large and 11 meters tall.

The pottery indicates continuous habitation from the Early Bronze Age to the Byzantine period. Early Bronze Age ceramics closely resemble

Troy II. Shapes and decorations of Late Bronze Age pottery and Lydian ceramics (Gray Ware, Black-on-Red, Bichrome, Streaky-glaze, Whiteground) are very similar to those known from Sardis. The biggest amount of ceramic types in Kılcanlar dates to the Early Iron Age (Lydian periods) and Byzantine periods. No excavations have been conducted so far. All available information is based on surface Surveys.


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"Kılcanlar Höyük." Luwian Studies. Accessed . https://luwianstudies.org/de//site/kilcanlar-hoyuk.