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Filters retrieve data dynamically. Each filter works independently and can also collaborate with others. The interactive map displays the location of each result spontaneously. Please note that using the ‘Refresh Selection’ option ensures smooth operation when making additional queries.

The interactive map starts blinking when the mouse hovers over a specific site. When a site is clicked, the map automatically zooms in on the marker representing that site. Alternatively, if a marker is selected, the page scrolls to the site, which is highlighted in red.

Interactive Map

The interactive map displays all the second millennium B.C. sites in western Anatolia. The sites are represented by clusters—each click on a cluster zooms in on the region or site of interest. Alternatively, users can zoom using the scroll wheel. Clicking on markers opens a popup with relevant information. The map supports fullscreen viewing and offers a variety of basemaps.

Interactive Map Detail

Interactive Map Measurement Tool

The map includes a measurement tool that allows users to measure areas or lines and perform multiple measurements.

Submitting an Additional Site

Luwian Studies is a non-profit foundation that fosters research on the Bronze Age of western Anatolia, providing researchers and the public with essential data and various interactive tools. Therefore, it welcomes contributions, including information about Bronze Age sites not currently listed in our site catalog. To facilitate this, Luwian Studies offers a user-friendly tool for submitting sites to be published online.

Geolocator for Submitting Additional Sites

To facilitate locating a site being submitted, our interactive map allows users to dynamically select the site’s coordinates on the web map.