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Lectures in Kocaeli, Istanbul, Klosters, Zurich, Leiden, Los Angeles…

At the invitation of Prof. Şengül Aydingün, Eberhard Zangger will speak about astral aspects of the Hittite religion on Wednesday, 20 November 2019 at 15:00 in the Archaeological Institute of Kocaeli University. On 21 November 2019, this lecture will also take place at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Istanbul (at 14:00, Rektörlük Doktora Salonu) at the invitation of Prof. Mustafa H. Sayar and at the Galatasaray University on 22 November (at 16:00, I 107) at the invitation of Prof. Nilüfer Pembecioğlu.

Breaking News: Change of Venue in Istanbul

In Switzerland, the Winterseminar in Klosters has invited Eberhard Zangger (for the 11th time) to speak on 12 January 2020 about the momentous discoveries and unbelievable fabrications of Mr. James Mellaart. The following day, this lecture will also be held in Zurich in the framework of the Clurr meetings: 13 January 2020 at 18:30 (University Hospital Zurich, Gloriastrasse 29, Room OPS B26).

On 7 March 2020, Eberhard Zangger will speak in the Getty Villa in Los Angeles on the recent findings of archeoastronomy in Bronze Age Asia Minor.

Finally, a workshop will be held in Leiden on 9 April 2020 on “Mobility, Migration, and Knowlegde Exchange – Between Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Europe and the Near East (circa 1600-800 BC)”. As part of this workshop, Rita Gautschy and Eberhard Zangger will talk about the common celestial aspects of the religions in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Hittite kingdom and ancient Greece.