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New Board Members

The board of Luwian Studies has seen some changes. Professors Jan Philipp Reemtsma and Olaf Kübler have not renewed their mandates on the board after their initial three years in office. In their place three archaeologists joined the board.

Ivo Hajnal is Professor of Linguistics (since 2001) and Chairman of the Senate (since 2004) at the University of Innsbruck. He earned his habilitation as an Indo-Germanist and classical philologist with a thesis on vocalism in Lycian (1995).

Another new board member is Dr. Jorrit Kelder, Senior Grant Advisor at Leiden University; Visiting Research Associate at the Institute for Area Studies at Leiden University (LIAS); member of the Faculty of Near and Middle East Studies, Oxford University, and member of the Common Room at Wolfson College, Oxford. Jorrit Kelder wrote (in 2009) a PhD on Aegean Protohistory and in 2013/2014 co-organized the exhibition “Troy. City, Homer and Turkey” at the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam for which he also co-edited the book.

Most recently, Dr. Jeffrey Spier joined the board. He is Senior Curator in the Department of Antiquities at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu and has studied Classical Archeology at Harvard University. He earned his PhD from Merton College at the University of Oxford (1988) with a dissertaion in art history of Asia Minor.

The expertise of the experts in the fields of linguistics, archeology and art history immediately boosted the activities of the foundation.