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Asartepe (Urganlı) Höyük

Number: 48
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The tell is right next to the river Gediz about 3.5 km north of the village Urganlı in the district of Turgutlu in Manisa. The mineral springs of Urganlı are 1.5 km north of the site. So far, no excavations have been made. The tell is 300 x 200 m large and 15 m high. Extensive surveys revealed a few Early Bronze Age sherds. During the Middle and Late Bronze the place must have been densely occupied. In the late Byzantine period a fortress was built on the hill.


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"Asartepe (Urganlı) Höyük." Luwian Studies. Accessed . https://luwianstudies.org/site/asartepe-urganli-hoyuk.