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Ballı Dağ

Number: 16
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The mound of Ballı Dağ is one of the westernmost foothills of the Ida range. The settlement is located on the eastern side of the village Pınarbaşı. The actual site is located in the south-eastern part of the hill above the Kara Menderes. Four tumuli are in this area, three to the north of the settlement on the eastern edge of the plateau and one south of the site. On the western side of the plateau is a necropolis that extends downslope. Jean Baptiste Lechevalier regarded this site to have been the Homeric Ilios. He believed in the springs of Pınarbaşı to have been the hot and cold springs of the Scamander describe by Homer in the Iliad.

Schliemann’s discovery of Troy at Hisarlık ultimately disproved this thesis. Ruins and finds in the settlement prove habitation in the Greek period (6th–3rd cent. BCE). Schliemann published some finds and ceramic fragments. The Anatolian Gray Ware dates to Troy VI. Based on these finds, Anne-Ulrike Kossatz-Pompe places the first habitation of the site in the Late Bronze Age.

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"Ballı Dağ." Luwian Studies. Accessed . https://luwianstudies.org/site/balli-dag.