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Number: 106

Başantepe belongs to the village Islamlar Köyü in the district of Dikili near Izmir. The site is located 2.5 km northeast of Dikili and 150 meters west of the road from Pergamon to Ayvalık. According to the surface finds, the settlement was inhabited since the Late Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age. The tell itself used to be 1.5 m high and 70 x 70 m wide, but active agriculture has obscured it. So far, no excavations have been made. Early Hellenistic sherds and fragments of Anatolian Grey and Red Ware (Troy VI) were found together with numerous handmade pottery.


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"Başantepe." Luwian Studies. Accessed . https://luwianstudies.org/site/basantepe.