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Hanay Tepe (Bozköy)

Number: 4
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The tell lies between the villages of Bozköy and Mecidiye in the district of the town Ezine. It is located 1.5 km east of Bozköy. So far, no excavations have been made. The tell has a diameter of 110 m and is approximately 11–12 m high. Surface finds indicate that the settlement was continuously inhabited from the late Chalcolithic until the end of the Late Bronze Age. Late Bronze Age fine ceramics is wheel-made, very fine to medium fine with a high internal hardness. In total, the amount of wheel-made pottery (fine and coarse) far exceeds that of hand-made pottery. The coarse ware pottery is usually moderately fired and exhibits a granular structure in fractures. Vessel shapes date mostly to the early and middle part of the Troy VI/VIIa.


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"Hanay Tepe (Bozköy)." Luwian Studies. Accessed . https://luwianstudies.org/site/hanay-tepe-bozkoy.