The settlement is located about 3 km southwest of the village Bostancı in the district of Kırkağaç. The main road from Balıkesir to Manisa passes by next to the settlement. A part of the site has been truncated, another part overbuilt by houses belonging to the village. The site is approximately 100 x 75 m in size and 5 m high. According to the surface finds it was inhabited during the Late Chalcolitic, the Early Bronze Age and the Middle Bronze Age. All Middle Bronze Age appears to have been wheel-made. The clay contains traces of quartz sand and mica and is very well burnt. The pots are yellow, brown, yellowish gray and light brown in color.
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Latitude: 39.108146 Longitude: 27.839689Specific Location
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"Kocagentepe Höyük." Luwian Studies. Accessed .