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Pınar Höyük

Number: 94
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Pınar Höyük lies about 2 km southwest of the viallge center of Gümüşsu in the district of Çivril and the province Denizli. So far, no excavations have been made. According to Lloyd and Mellaart the habitation of Pınar Höyüks dates back to the late Chalkolithic. Eşref Abay argues that this settlement jointly with Işıklı Höyük fell under the control of Arzawa during the 2nd mill. BCE. The material culture is identical with that of Işıklı Höyük.

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"Pınar Höyük." Luwian Studies. Accessed . https://luwianstudies.org/site/pinar-hoyuk.