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Number: 262

The tell settlement is located 3 km southwest of the district town of Bolvadin. Agriculture has destroyed the central part of the settlement, making the remaining parts look like three separate sites.

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    Latitude: 38.688192 Longitude: 31.036641

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    • Barjamovic, Gojko. 2010. “Sites, Routes and Historical Geography in Central Anatolia.” Pp. 10–25 in Ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis: Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, edited by I. Singer. Tel Aviv: Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology.
    Luwian Studies Bibliography

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"Üçhöyük." Luwian Studies. Accessed . https://luwianstudies.org/site/uchoyuk.