The Turkish popular scientific journal “Arkeoloji ve Sanat” (Archaeology and Art) has published an article by Eberhard Zangger and Serdal Mutlu which is a Turkish summary of the paper “Middle and Late Bronze Age Western Asia Minor: A Status Report” published in 2022. It deals with questions such as: How was the region on the Anatolian side of the Aegean politically structured? Was it economically and politically insignificant or did it have a distinct culture? What characteristics are necessary to speak of an independent culture and how can it be represented on a map? Why does Troy seem to have been an isolated outpost in the northeastern Aegean? Who were the neighbors of the Trojans in the Middle and Late Bronze Age (2000-1200 BC)? These are some of the questions addressed in this study.
Zangger, Eberhard, and Serdal Mutlu. 2023. “Luvi Kültürünü Haritaya Yerleştirmek.” Arkeoloji ve Sanat 172 (January-April): 221-28.