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“The Political Geography of Western Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age”

Just in time for the start of this year’s EAA conference in Budapest, the volume containing the papers on the EAA session entitled “The Political Geography of Western Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age,” which took place in Bern in 2019, is published today – also in Budapest. The anthology of just over 400 pages contains twelve contributions by the following authors: Alper Aşınmaz, Haldun Aydingün, Christoph Bachhuber, Ulrike Berndt, Francis Breyer, Ivo Hajnal, Alwin Kloekhorst, Antonis Kourkoulakos, Serdal Mutlu, Sefa Taşkın, Maya Vassileva, Willemijn Waal, Fred Woudhuizen and Eberhard Zangger plus a foreword by Jorrit Kelder. The latter writes: “This volume aims to present a major step forward in our understanding of Late Bronze Age western Anatolia; its peoples, languages and cultures and the region’s position vis-à-vis contemporary states in the Near East and the eastern Mediterranean.”

Ivo Hajnal, Eberhard Zangger and Jorrit Kelder (eds.) 2022: The Political Geography of Western Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age, Archaeolingua Series Minor 45, Archaeolingua, Budapest. ISBN 978-615-5766-54-1